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Naturally Curious

creative coding project 1.PNG

When it came down to the process of me making this simple drawing, I started out with making the background and then adding my shapes on top of it as I went because it made the most sense that way.  Once the background was made I purposely put the sun off the page in the corner like we used to always draw them as kids. After that I made the code for a white circle and copy and pasted it a few times, changing the coordinates each time so they would overlap and look like a cloud when put together.

For the game I chose to start making, I was going for an old school basketball type of game that looks like something you'd play on the Atari or NES. You would use the mouse to curve your jumpshot into a backboard, however I was having trouble adding the backboard at first but the professor has helped with that issue. I would also like to add a score board that keeps track of how many times you hit the hoop. Link:

Christopher Webb                                          9/29/2020

Creative Coding

    When it comes down to algorithmic bias, we can see it everywhere in our daily lives from things such as the price we pay for products, or even Amazon’s failed attempt at their AI resume screening tool which turned out to be sexist and pick mostly men, and Amazon claimed they never meant for it to be like that. Before this reading and video you showed us, I had heard about this as an issue but I personally never looked into it myself because I never thought some lines of code could be racist or sexist until now. This definitely changes our perception of computers because it shows us how important the people behind them are. They can tell the computer to do whatever they want and then just blame it on the computer and say it was an error, similar to what Amazon did with their auto screening tool for resumes. In my opinion, there should be multiple people going through the code and putting it under trial and error to make sure something like this never happens again. This could be one way that we use the awareness of this issue to make better choices, we need to keep a very close eye on this AI and code being written because it can alter people’s lives and most people wouldn’t even notice because they just think the computer has a mind of its own, when in reality somebody had to program that computer to do what it's doing.



500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158


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